Monday, February 28, 2011

The "Pig". The Problem.

Meet Pig.
Look at those big pig eyes. Pig has been with me now for about a year and half. Pig became a safety net for me, a piece of home, a piece of comfort, if you will. Pig and i have toured up and down the east coast.  However Pig is very deceiving in the fact that he appears so very sweet and soft with no bad intentions, but the truth is Pig if full of unresolved issues.
Ok lets get down to the nitty gritty of it all, Pig is from an ex boyfriend. Lets call this ex boyfriend "Hipster boy". Hipster Boy, was one of those boys that you wear a vail covering your eyes from seeing the real truth about them. The vail thats covering your eyes is full of flowers and butterflies, but when finally removed its false hope and disappointment you see. Unfortunately, I wore this vail which might as well been as thick as wool blanket (there was no seeing through it) for close to a year and a half. The on and off again relationship consisted of me being head over heels and him being unsure of me. During the time of him being "unsure of me" I was doing all that I could to convince him (and myself) I was the perfect girl. The details of the end don't paint me as a perfect person, nor him, but are details I am going to keep to myself for the moment. Now I have been pretty negative on Hipster boy, but he did teach me a lot about music and myself. I found that i was capable of putting some one else before me and that sometimes love really isn't enough. There were highs and lows, and I could probably write a book about the story of Hipster Boy and I, but its time to get back to Pig.
Now Mr. Southern, whom i spoke about in my last blog, has brought the issue of Pig to my attention. Is Pig really just a stuffed pig or is Pig representing me not being able to let go of Hipster Boy? I think the truth is I am over Hipster Boy but some issues still remain. So. What does a girl do? Obviously I am smitten over Mr. Southern but to fully move forward I may have to make some space in my bed. As it breaks my heart Pig will be replaced, currently I am trying out new options but I have not found the right fit just yet. It will be a bitter sweet day when I find something that is just as soft, with a large head and small body, that will soothe me into a sweet slumber.

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